Year: 2022

  • 3 Drivers of Asset Demand

    3 Drivers of Asset Demand

    Asset prices in a free market, like all other prices, is determined by demand and supply. Thus, understanding both the demand drivers and supply factors of a particular asset is important if you want to figure out if the price is going up or down in the time frame you are looking at.

  • Why there might be a Bull Run in 2023

    Why there might be a Bull Run in 2023

    Inflation and Recession. These are the two buzz words all over the market right now. Sentiment is broadly pessimistic. But is there still an upside? I believe there is.

  • The 7th Characteristic of Money – Stable Demand?

    The 7th Characteristic of Money – Stable Demand?

    In traditional economics talk, money has … 6 characteristics …: Durability, Portability, Divisibility, Uniformity, Limited Supply and Acceptability … However, the … fact that crypto currencies like Bitcoin … are still not widely used for commerce has led me to believe the current economic model is incomplete.